Stephane, I am glad you like it. These flies are inexpensive and you don't need a hunting licence, .
Rui, I can compare only responses of some other Coenosia species during taking photos. Bigger species such as C. tigrina and C. humilis are easily disturbed. Smaller ones such as C. agromyzina, C. atra and C. cf. rufipalpis sometimes tolerate even holding a leaf they are sitting on. But I didn't test their tolerance to manipulation so far.
I can no longer send private messages (and maybe not receive?), even though my inbox and outbox are not yet full. I write, click "send" and they disappear and never show up in the outbox.
Tried to attach an image to a forum post. jpg, 32kB, 72dpi, no blanks, ... File name is correctly displayed, but when I click "Preview Thread" it just vanishes. Help!