Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae, Fanniidae and Muscidae of Mordovia

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-12-2020 18:31

Mordovia is a lowland region of Russia located 400–500 km South-East-East of Moscow.
Our team used this covid-year to work on fauna of this region.
Free access:

Posted by Andrzej on 24-12-2020 19:39

Congrats to All! If you have some Heleomyzidae I can participate in the identification (pics are welcome) and in preparing a paper (I still read in Russian very well...). I identified some material from the Chuvash Republic (https://www.elibr...d=42447811) ;).

Edited by Andrzej on 24-12-2020 19:41

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-12-2020 10:01

Andrzej, I sent this post to Alexander Ruchin, the chief of Mordovian Nat Res. Personally I don't know how is responsible for Mordovian Heleomyzid (not me:)

Posted by libor on 25-12-2020 11:07

We (Dvořák, Dvořáková, Oboňa et Ruchin) published this year paper from Mordovia in Nature Cinservation Research. We have also Euthycera chaerophylli, Tetnaocera elata, T. ferruginea, and T, freyi...
Andrzej, my wife identified Heleomyzidae from beer traps. You will be contacted for publishing the paper together with my wife Kateřina.

Posted by Andrzej on 25-12-2020 12:14


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-12-2020 12:35

Libor, it is a surprise for me :@
I have seen Dvorak et al. 2020, shortly glanced at it and saved the paper to my archive. (Anisopodidae, Bibionidae, Clusiidae ... - not my groups). If I look longer I'd found Sciomyzidae and, of course, refer to your article. A pity.
Well, dear Sciomyzid colleagues, Euthycera chaerophylli and Tetanocera freyi should be added to Mordovian list. Thus, total amount of species is so far 37.
Once again, Libor, excuse me, it was an error, not not malicious intent.

Posted by libor on 25-12-2020 13:46

Nikita, it is OK for me! Do not worry, be happy ;-) We have lot of beer trap material from this year, so we will communicate with you!