Thread subject: :: Pemberley

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 17-11-2007 14:15

As I requested some books in this store, this time one of the books chosen it is soldout. I can choose another book until ?15 value.

So I was searching for books that could fit that price. I want to know if you think that one of the following books worth the price.... (

"The British Tachinidae of Walker and Stephens (Diptera)"

"Sepsidae. Diptera." Pont, A.C. / RES edition.

"Schwebfliegen und Blasenkopffliegen Mitteleurpas:" Kormann, K. -- About Conopidae, I think?...

Any ideas/books (considering the ?15 value!) concerning these my favorite families: Acroceridae, Bombyliidae, Conopidae, Stratiomyidae, Sciomyzidae, Ulidiidae.

Thank you. :)

Posted by crex on 17-11-2007 14:28

Pemberley Books search page where you can set the max price.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 17-11-2007 16:02

thanks, I knew it. But I wonder which are the trusty books for now considering the families I've referred.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-11-2007 17:41

I'd go for the German book as that is probably most useful to you (if you can understand the German). The Tachinidae are too limited for you and if the Sepsidae key is GBP 15 then I am certain you can get is cheaper second hand somewhere else.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-11-2007 18:52

Jorge, I guess chosen book soldout is "Muscidae of Centra Europe".
Correct? :D

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 17-11-2007 19:02

:| ???? how do you know??? No. :) lol

It was "Diptera Cyclorrhapha Calyptrata". But I also requested that book you referred as well!! Impressive guess.

Posted by Guenter on 17-11-2007 19:11

"Schwebfliegen und Blasenkopffliegen Mitteleurpas:" Kormann, K. -- About Conopidae, I think?...

This is mainly a book with photos of Syrphidae from Germany (not all species) with some information on the species, e.g. visited flowers, with a few Conopidae added at the end of the book.

Edited by Guenter on 17-11-2007 19:11

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 17-11-2007 19:22

with photos of all conopid genus known for Europe, at least?

Posted by ChrisR on 17-11-2007 19:42

I can't suggest a book to buy but I would say that I didn't even know the tachinid book existed so I doubt it is very useful (looks more like a collection catalogue) ... and Pont's Sepsidae is a very thin book for 15-pounds. Keep looking and ask more questions here if you find anything else that looks interesting :)

Posted by Kahis on 17-11-2007 20:29

jorgemotalmeida wrote:
with photos of all conopid genus known for Europe, at least?

Not even close, just some of the larger ones, mostly Conops & Physocephala.

Posted by pierred on 18-11-2007 08:19


I bought this book in the past and it was interesting for me at this time (I didn't know anything about Syrphidae). Nowaday, I don't open it anymore. I would not rate Jorge to buy it.

Posted by Zeegers on 18-11-2007 10:14

Tachinidae by Walker and Stephens is an unillustrated publication, more a catalogue.
Only of interest to the real die-hards in Tachinidae.


Posted by Susan R Walter on 18-11-2007 13:45

Perhaps you need to see if they've got a cookbook Jorge :p

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 18-11-2007 15:53

:) thanks to all.

I will continue the search today.

Lol SUsan. :) well thought! why not? :p

Then in an international dipterological encounter (maybe one day... in South of Spain or even Portugal!) we can prepare entomological dishes for the guests of! :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 19-11-2007 02:55

ok. I decided for a Syrphidae book. There are no Nemestrinoidea books :( neither Stratiomyidae (hmm... ok. they have "A Biosystematic Study of the European Stratiomyidae " very expensive! and they have the world catalogue), Conopidae (only one book - precisely the german book with those 2 genus).. and Tachinidae with older and not updated versions.. :(
Bombyliidae... I would like this one: "Bee Flies of the World:" but it costs more than ?30 :D In next time. :)
That's why I decided to chnage for Hoverflies of Northwest Europe: bY Mark Veen. Even the spiders' books no one interests. :(

I think nbhs store has much better books but they are more expensive.

Posted by pierred on 19-11-2007 07:23


jorgemotalmeida wrote:
That's why I decided to chnage for Hoverflies of Northwest Europe: bY Mark Veen.

Good book, good decision!