Thread subject: :: Calypter size

Posted by Lothar Schuh on 03-10-2020 20:01

is it "more or less" sufficient to look at the size of calypters:
- both have same size: Anthomyidae
- lower is larger: Musciudae?

Can I get a solid hint?



Posted by John Carr on 04-10-2020 15:47

Lothar Schuh wrote:
is it "more or less" sufficient to look at the size of calypters:
- both have same size: Anthomyidae
- lower is larger: Musciudae?

Can I get a solid hint?



That is usually true. There are a few Muscidae with small lower calypters (subfamily Azeliinae, some Coenosiinae) and a few Anthomyiidae with large lower calypters, but not as large as Musca or Phaonia.

You can also look at the hind tibia. Very few Muscidae have 2 or more posterodorsal bristles, and very few Anthomyiidae have fewer than 2. On the thorax, the very few Anthomyiidae with 4 postsutural dorsocentrals have many more hairs on the thorax than similar Muscidae. Very few Anthomyiidae have hairy eyes.

If there are any Drymeia with 4 postsutural dorsocentrals they may be confusing.

Posted by Lothar Schuh on 04-10-2020 18:33

Thanks… can you be so kind to specify "hairy eyes". I am just amateur, layman, beginner.
Reading a bit about Chaetotaxy revealed that hairs near the eyes are:
- occipital hair
- fascial hair
- subvibrissal hair
- parafascial hair
- …
where to look at?


Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-10-2020 19:30

See the hairy eyes in this image http://www.tuin-t...5-2014.jpg

Edited by Paul Beuk on 04-10-2020 20:01

Posted by Lothar Schuh on 05-10-2020 07:56

thank you all!