Thread subject: :: Flies under 0?C

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 07-11-2007 19:57

In the other side... (before I asked for flies above 40?C) >>

I was surprised that there are some Culicids (!) can support even very low temperatures. ". Mosquitoes were seen actively flying,
and tests showed that mosquitoes remained active even at temperatures as low as 0?C, showing that mos-
quitoes likely relocate often in their overwintering sites" :|

are there another resistants besides the Trichoceridae (another flies that can be seen on snow/ice...) and some culicids and maybe some sciarids??

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 07-11-2007 20:05

Posted by John Carr on 09-04-2012 17:48

Cecidomyiidae: Catocha species formerly placed in genera Eucatocha and Anocha are found in winter, often on snow. See BugGuide: http://bugguide.n...iew/398300. They have very large wings. I don't know whether large wing size is adaptive for cold weather.

Other genera commonly found on snow are Chionea and Diamesa.

Posted by nielsyese on 09-04-2012 18:30

I saw also Sphaeroceridae and Phoridae with temperatures below zero.