Thread subject: :: asilidae ?

Posted by gordo on 31-10-2004 15:45

This is an asilidae find on august at 700m in the valley of the gordolasque.
It's a big fly !

Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-10-2004 18:38

Looks like Choerades marginata to me.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 31-10-2004 21:32

Hoi Gordo,
If you say it is a big fly, en when I see the difference in hair lenght on the front and back part of the thorax, I would say this is a male of Laphria flava!
Choerades is not so big, and does not have hairs like this on its thorax!

Edited by Gerard Pennards on 31-10-2004 21:33

Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-10-2004 22:11

I better stop looking at Asilidae. I always seem to get it wrong...:(