Thread subject: :: Austria: Biodiversitäts-Atlas Österreich

Posted by Darwyn Sumner on 29-01-2020 10:05

This is a new site for recording species occurrences. https://biodivers...
It was brought to the attention of us in the UK because it uses the same mechanism as the UK's NBN Atlas which we took from the Australians a couple of years ago. (see
Many of the UK groups submit Diptera records to ours, hopefully Austrian recorders will begin to record Diptera to theirs too.
The records of course finish up published to GBIF and so made available to researchers worldwide.
The GBIF list of participating countries can be seen at https://www.gbif....ork/europe which I guess will be updated soon to include Austria.

As Dipterists Forum Bulletin editor I have an interest (as does the forum) in European Diptera recording initiatives and so would be pleased to hear from any Austrian dipterists regarding their experience in using this site to record Diptera. I'm happy to help out in general terms based on experience with our system, though language may be a barrier.

Good luck


Posted by helge on 30-01-2020 22:22

Sounds good Darwyn, I´ll check it out.

Thank you for the hint!


Posted by Carnifex on 05-08-2020 00:50

Hey Darwyn,
this platform is still under development, but I hear that - similar to the Australian ALA - there will be observations from iNaturalist implemented. This would be my way to contribute to the Atlas. Don't know where they stand at the moment.