Thread subject: :: Afrotropical Curtonotidae

Posted by Ectemnius on 05-01-2020 17:07

Republic of Cote d’Ivoire
Savanes District, Comoé NP
8.769555 N, -3.789640 W
April 2019

Any help in literature for identification?

Posted by Jan Maca on 05-01-2020 18:11

Try to find a help in the voluminous papers of Kirg-spriggs and Wiegman. I quote only the last one, where you can find references to preceding papers.
Kirk-Spriggs A.H & Wiegmann B. M. 2013: A revision of Afrotropical Quasimodo flies (Diptera: Schizophora; Curtonotidae). Part IV. The continental Afrotropical species of Curtonotum Macquart, with descriptions of thirteen new species and a combined phylogenetic analysis of the Curtonotidae. Zootaxa 3684 (1): 1-166.