Thread subject: :: Peru Asilidae - Eraxasilus sp.

Posted by jgruber111 on 27-10-2019 22:28

Found at Las Piedras Amazon Center in Madre de Dios region in southeastern Peru on 6.IX.2019. Male Asilinae?

Edited by jgruber111 on 28-10-2019 14:05

Posted by Eric Fisher on 28-10-2019 02:12

Asilinae: Eraxasilus sp., male. This same species has been recorded from Tambopata Reserve in Madre de Dios (Fisher 1985) but has not yet been adequately identified. It keys to Eraxasilus gerion in Carrera's 1959 paper on the genus; it differs from that sp. by having the white abdominal band narrower - restricted to segment 7.

Posted by jgruber111 on 28-10-2019 14:08

Thanks much for the det and info Eric. The males of this species were extremely wary. Couldn't get close. I think I got close shots of a female though. Had a similar golden 'mane'. Will post shortly.