Thread subject: :: Ulidiidae > Euxesta notata

Posted by evdb on 13-10-2019 12:50


Center of France (Loiret) oct. 13th 2019.
I feel it looks Ulidiidae and I ask if Euxesta hyalipennis is possible ?
Thanks for help.

Edited by evdb on 13-10-2019 17:12

Posted by Tony Irwin on 13-10-2019 13:52

I may be wrong, but I think E. hyalipennis is found in Polynesia only. I think this is more likely to be E. notata, which has been recorded in Switzerland. E. pechumani is another possibility. Put Ulidiidae in the subject to attract Valery.

Posted by John Carr on 13-10-2019 14:46

Euxesta notata -- wing with apical spot and smaller spot near end of R1, tip of female abdomen yellow.

Posted by evdb on 13-10-2019 15:08

Thanks both.
E. hyalipennis is mentioned by french Museum, including in France : https://inpn.mnhn...nom/645345

E. notata is not mentioned by french Museum nor FE but I know nothing about it !

Posted by John Carr on 13-10-2019 15:14

The Euxesta+Chaetopsis group needs revision. It is possible what is considered to be E. notata in Europe needs a different name.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 13-10-2019 15:34

Eugene - the hyalipennis webpage you gave has an "absente" symbol over France - the blue dot is just over Polynesia.
E. notata has not been recorded from France, as far as I know, but here is a link to the Swiss record - https://www.resea..._in_Europe

Posted by evdb on 13-10-2019 16:56

Sorry Tony you are quite right.
I agree with E. notata
Thanks again

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 08-12-2019 11:02

It is certainly E. notata.
An analysis of invasion of Euxesta, with a key to species, is in progress.

Posted by Pristurus on 08-12-2019 13:46

Valery, maybe this is of interest to you. I think I found this species in Southern Hungary as well.

2019-06-14, on a dead a Helix pomatia, alluvial forest on the banks of the Mureș river near Makó.

Posted by evdb on 08-12-2019 16:42

Thanks Valery and Pristurus for confirmation and additional details