Thread subject: :: Wasp-mimic from Suriname | cf. Conopidae, Physocephala sp.?

Posted by Auke on 26-08-2019 17:08

Syrphidae? Stratiomyidae? A somewhat blurry photo, but please help to ID this specimen.

Edited by Auke on 03-09-2019 17:19

Posted by Jan Maca on 02-09-2019 14:42

I think Conopidae, perhaps close to Physocephala (of course, having no knowledge about Diptera of Guianas).

Posted by Auke on 03-09-2019 17:18

Thank you. Let's hope someone can confirm at least the family ID.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-06-2020 11:40

Gut feeling says Syrphidae...

Posted by Auke on 25-02-2021 06:00

Could someone please confirm the family?

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 04-03-2021 19:38

More like Syrphidae (Microdontinae). Could you send me the image in full resolution to ?
More details of wing venation will be helpful in identification.