Thread subject: :: Beautiful marked Tabanidae with no data

Posted by Isidro on 26-08-2019 08:53

Again another with no readable location :( but I hope that is enough distinctive for an ID!

Posted by Isidro on 30-08-2019 07:43

Hello! Theo?

Posted by Isidro on 08-08-2021 11:35


Posted by Zeegers on 09-08-2021 21:19

Yes, it is holiday season !

First impression might be Poeciloderas from the neotropics.


Posted by Isidro on 11-08-2021 23:01

Thanks a lot! Looking for Poeciloderas I saw an image of Tabanus sulcifrons that looks like very similar to me, it could be?

Posted by Zeegers on 12-08-2021 18:20

Abdominal pattern looks totally different to me.
In any case, the first antennal segment in lateral view separates the genera.


Posted by Zeegers on 12-08-2021 18:22

BY the way, what do you mean with 'no READABLE location' ? So it is labelled ? Start talking to the owner / guardian of the collection and try to establish whose writing it might be. For instance, if it is Strobl's, neotropics is unlikely.


Posted by Isidro on 13-08-2021 21:06

:D:D do you think seriously that one can write to the staff of a very big natural history museum for ask about the tag of one of the thousands of insects exposed that probably nobody in the staff would know even how to locate the box that contain it in the exhibit?

If they were a dino skeleton or a hooved mammal mount, even a bird would be possible, but don't expect that for a horsefly :)

P.S. no readable means that the only apparent writen tag in the photo (the small upper one) is totally hidden under the insect body and one would not be able to read it without opening the cage and extracting the specimen from it :) And even doing this there is zero guarantee that this tag contain a location.

Edited by Isidro on 13-08-2021 21:09