Thread subject: :: Tachydromia ID? => T.umbrarum

Posted by runetk on 03-07-2019 12:58

This probably is a Tachydromia sp.[Tachydromia umbrarum, I think] from
North-Norway,Harstad kommune, Fauskevåg store (10 m), seen the 24.june 2019.
Habitat: Garden.
distribution/Bahavior: Very common, running quickly on the walls of the house.
size: minute (no more than 4mm)
Is identification confirmation possible?

Thanks in advance,
Rune Kristiansen

Edited by runetk on 14-11-2021 13:44

Posted by eklans on 03-07-2019 14:19

Hi Rune, the behavior is exactly what I saw! But umbrarum should have a yellow band in the middle of the front femora (smithi?).
Hope, this helps a bit,

Posted by runetk on 03-07-2019 22:27

Thanks Eric |t
I think this family is very undocumented in norway and sweden duo to its size.
No recent findings for my area Troms in north-norway.
Still few for norway and sweden in general. mostly t.umbrarum.. the others
need probably genitalia samples.
For all i now it can be an undocumented species B)

But due to the advance in macro technology with cameras this will change.
Macro photography is cool and really rewarding.
This site is extreamly important with its great gallery of different species.

t. smithi is not an option in (so not recorded in norway) :|

Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-07-2019 13:24

I cannot see any thickened, strong dorsocentral and scutellar setae. That would rule out umbrarum and smithi. Other characters might leas to excisa but a specimen is required for any certainty.

Posted by runetk on 04-07-2019 14:53

Thank you so much for taking your time and giving me such a thorough explanation Paul. |t.
As I expected, a specimen is needed. I will send "one" to a lab in Tromsø or oslo.
So we can have certenty regarding this common specimen in the north.

Edited by runetk on 04-07-2019 14:54

Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-07-2019 15:32

If you have got a spare one: https://diptera.i...page_id=32

Posted by runetk on 04-07-2019 16:20

No problem, I will send you a set of samples marked from diffrent locations in the county of southern Troms. With you as reference and this thread.
Marked with my own collection number. |t

Posted by runetk on 02-08-2019 16:52

The Tachydromia samples are on its way in the post to you. :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-08-2019 17:39

I cannot make anything more of them then dark specimens of umbrarum, even after genital disscetion, but I will make a more thorough comparisson later.

Posted by runetk on 06-08-2019 18:39

Thanks Paul |t
Keep me posted what the final conclusion becomes.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-08-2019 19:50

Of course

Posted by Isidro on 31-08-2023 22:38

Hi @Runetk maybe you can give some insight in this similar thread? Thanks a lot in advance!