Thread subject: :: Orthonevra sp.? --> Paragus (Pandasyophthalmus) sp.

Posted by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 19-01-2019 19:18

This Hoverfly was phtopgraphed in a garden in Eastern Lower Saxony (Northern Germany) on 13th May 2018 (on Veronica chamaedrys).
Unfortunately, I have only this single "suboptimal" photo.
Because of the green-metallic thoracic dorsum and the bicoloured legs I thought of Orthonevra. Can this be confirmed?
best wishes,

Edited by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 20-01-2019 18:30

Posted by Fred Fly on 19-01-2019 20:33

Paragus (Pandasyophthalmus) sp.

Posted by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 20-01-2019 16:58

Thank you very much, Fred!
So it turns out to P. haemorrhous or P. constrictus, if I understand it right, with P. haemorrhous the most abundant species (the Red List for Lower Saxony lists P. constrictus as very rare resp. critically endangered (1) and P. tibialis as extinct (0)).