Thread subject: :: Dioctria cothurnata? => D. hyalipennis

Posted by Susan R Walter on 12-06-2018 19:23

Does anyone want to venture an opinion about this fly? I'm wondering if it might be Dioctria cothurnata. It was photograhed on 25 May 2018 on the banks of an old sand extraction pit now full of water. I and some colleagues are surveying the site, in central lowland France. I had it on my inventory as 'hymenoptera -- to f/u'. Now having looked at it properly I noticed the antennae and had an 'ah ha' moment (and feel a right twonk for not having noticed it was a fly before...) This is the best photo of it I have, and no specimen. The only other photo is the same angle and blurry.

Edited by Susan R Walter on 12-06-2018 21:49

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 12-06-2018 20:19

I think it is Dioctria cf hyalipennis, a small slender, very variable species. A lateral view would have been welcome ;-)

Posted by Susan R Walter on 12-06-2018 21:15

Thanks for this suggestion. Sorry I don't have any further useful photos. We will be going back to this site at some point so I will take more photos and a specimen if possible.