Thread subject: :: Mantispidae - Mantispa styriaca :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 09-09-2007 22:29

Today at 2 am I saw one of the most beautiful animals we have on Earth: the Mantispidae neuropter. I think that this amazing neuropter can be Mantispa sp.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 10-09-2007 15:45

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 10-09-2007 00:12

These are amazing pictures of an amazing critter. Two questions: what is the size of the mantis? What is it doing in the 2nd picture?...

Joaquim Gaspar

Posted by cosmln on 10-09-2007 00:18

a thrid question: what is in the background, is so pink.
here in romania if remeber correctly we have two species one i have in photo (Mantispa perla)... they are sometime very common (hundreds) in the night at ligkt (observed when doing night collecting).


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-09-2007 00:53

1 - it has 2 cm.
2 - I don?t know. But it seems it is making a cleaning... :)
3 - it is secret. :) Here in Iberian peninsula there are more species. Perhaps Nampista too.

Posted by Rui Andrade on 10-09-2007 01:22

I love the 2nd photo:)!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-09-2007 01:48

thanks for the complitments! :)

I love the mantispid itself.
I'm intriguing why this mantispid decided to pose in that way! He remained in this state during about 2-3 minutes if I recall well. It was very interesting to follow his behaviour trying catching the insects. This is utterly fantastic insect. I hope I can know the name of species for this one. At least, to get the confirmation for genus level would be great! Thank you again.

Feel free to send opinions about the reason/s that drove this mantispid to do that position! hey... i didn?t glue anything!! :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-09-2007 15:47

According to the Agostino, expert on neuropterans in Italy, this is Mantispa styriaca. :)

cosmnl, please show here your photo of Mantispa perla. :) Thank you!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 10-09-2007 20:15

I'm not certain, but from the size of the abdomen, I'd guess that "he" is a "she", and that the cleaning is just making sure that everything is ready for egg-laying.
Great photos, Jorge!

Posted by cosmln on 10-09-2007 20:44

jorgemotalmeida wrote:
According to the Agostino, expert on neuropterans in Italy, this is Mantispa styriaca. :)

cosmnl, please show here your photo of Mantispa perla. :) Thank you!


Edited by cosmln on 10-09-2007 20:46

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-09-2007 21:30

wow! cosmnl. Definitely mantispids are among beautiful animals on Earth. And they are very aggressive and very quick to catch their prey as well.

Posted by cosmln on 10-09-2007 21:33

jorgemotalmeida wrote:
wow! cosmnl.

just call me cosmin... i think will be easier ;)


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-09-2007 22:19

here we can see one Muscid fly that is the prey of this spectacular mantispid.

Musca autumnalis I think. DO you agree?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-09-2007 22:32

this mantispid caught the fly WITH only RAPTORIAL LEG! spectacular sight. In less one second the mantispid took off the head of fly! :| In 5 minutes the fly was full eaten. :S

Posted by Rui Andrade on 10-09-2007 22:51

I love aggressive insects :)!!!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 21-09-2007 22:04

anyone agree that the fly can be Musca autumnalis?