Thread subject: :: Unknown (maybe tropical?) beetle: MELYRIS OBLONGA

Posted by Isidro on 26-08-2007 00:09

In the summer of 2001 I found a strange beetle in my own street, in the middle of my city, Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain, 200 meters high, continental mediterranean climate. I never have seen this beetle and I readed a book called "Clave artificial para la determinaci?n de familias de Cole?pteros ibero-baleares" (Artificial key for the family determination of Ibero-balearic beetles) and the result was... a Dryopidae (impossible fact!).

Six years later, in july 2007, my coleopterologist friend F. Murria Beltr?n found a beetle and by his description of the same I supposed that are the same species that I've found in the 2001. He said: "I've found near the Central Market... so, is very possible that can be a imported species that becomes with the fruits, etc". also says "maybe is a tropical Mycteridae", and "maybe Tenebrionidae"...

Few days later I had a enormous surprise because I found THE SAME BEETLE that he told me!!!!! Then, I made these two photos. The beetle was found in my street as the 2001 exemplar.

Few days lather he found another specimen, also in the middle of the city, and few days later I found another also in my street.

Total: 5 exep?mplars, one in summer 2001 by me, and four in july 2007, two by me and two by my friend.

But it's a problem, we don't know in what family can we look for it...

Maybe some experts here can know these highly probably introduced species?

Note: it sizes about 1'5 centimetres long.

Many Thanks.
Regards ;)

Edited by Isidro on 01-09-2007 09:09

Posted by Frank Koehler on 29-08-2007 14:58

An unnamed member asked me for a statement ;-)
Here is it: I have seen millions of beetles, but never a similar species. And I have no idea to which family this beetle belongs (can?t see the antennae and can?t count the tarsal segments) or which expert could help. If you send me large photos of the collected specimen, we can try again. Best regards Frank

Posted by Isidro on 29-08-2007 15:59

Thanks Frank!

I tried it, but my camera is unable to magnify more.

I counted four tarsal segments and eleven antennae segments.

Posted by crex on 30-08-2007 08:34

I took the liberty of putting a link to this thread on a coleoptera forum. Got this answer from Maxwell V L Barclay, The Natural History Museum, London: "This is family MELYRIDAE, genus Melyris. There are two species in Spain, M. oblonga and M. versicolor. I'm afraid that right now (I'm away from collection) I can't remember which one this is. Melyris are native to southern Europe, and often found in synanthropic situations".

Posted by Isidro on 30-08-2007 09:30

Ohhhh crex!!!! Many many many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thinked that was an introduced species! You are the best!

Best wishes!!!!

Posted by Frank Koehler on 31-08-2007 22:18

I can add: "...yes that's Melyris oblonga Fabricius, formerly called Zygia oblonga in the family of true Melyridae..." - answer just received from the expert Robert Constantin. I would like to prepare the photos for our beetle gallery - if you agree. Best regards Frank

Edited by Frank Koehler on 01-09-2007 11:37

Posted by Isidro on 01-09-2007 09:07

Of course! You can use all my pictures...