Thread subject: :: Unknown orange Asilidae from Bulgaria

Posted by Paul Cools on 26-06-2017 12:16

I found this species a couple of times in the Western part of Bulgaria near Rila last week.

Can anybody help me with the ID?

Kind regards,

Posted by piros on 26-06-2017 13:55

I think it is the eastern form of Stenopogon sabaudus (male), or possibly S. xanthotrichus. These two are difficult to separate, the shape of the hypopygium is the best character, in my limited experience.


Edited by piros on 26-06-2017 13:56

Posted by Paul Cools on 26-06-2017 18:20

Oke, thank you very much Henrik.

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 28-06-2017 14:56

I agree about S. sabaudus (in Engel 1930 this would be S. sabaudus fulvulus (Pallas 1818)) In catalogue Lehr (1988) S. fulvulus is regarded synonym. S xanthotrichus lacks the dusting on the tergites.

Posted by Paul Cools on 28-06-2017 18:53

Thanks Reinoud