Thread subject: :: Curious mine on birch

Posted by pierred on 12-06-2017 12:20


upper side of the leaf:
Pierre Duhem : France : Saint-Leu-la-Forêt : 95320 : 27/04/2017
Altitude : 183 m - Taille : Sans objet
Réf. : 181769

lower side of the leaf:
Pierre Duhem : France : Saint-Leu-la-Forêt : 95320 : 27/04/2017
Altitude : 183 m - Taille : Sans objet
Réf. : 181770

I tried to pinpoint the author of this mine, on and, but without success.

I'm now thinking about a mine caused by a Coleophoridae, whose case fell from the leaf for whatever reason, leaving this result. I visited the same site yesterday and found several other leaves with similar pattern.

Thanks in advance for any clues.

Posted by BubikolRamios on 12-06-2017 22:40


You have tentiform mine between two side veins. Holes are exit slits. Lower-surface, little contracted tentiform mine. Often several mines in a leaf. Frass concentrated in a corner of the mine, from above recognisable as a black patch

In order to locate frass & larva & identify anything allways do backlight photo such as this (central image):
You can see that top photo is practicaly useless.

Edited by BubikolRamios on 12-06-2017 22:42

Posted by pierred on 13-06-2017 08:16

Thanks for your comments.

Posted by empeejay on 20-06-2017 21:31

These certainly look like typical Coleophora feeding signs to me.

Posted by pierred on 21-06-2017 07:57

Thanks also.