Thread subject: :: Acalyptrate fly.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 03-10-2005 22:31

01 okt, Moscow region, 6-10mm

Posted by Jan Willem on 04-10-2005 00:12

Hi Nikita,

Looks like Sciomyzidae to me!

Jan Willem

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-10-2005 00:33

Thank you Jan. I wish you were wrong, but my expirience says it is few probably.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-10-2005 08:27

Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
I wish you were wrong, but my expirience says it is few probably.

LoL, why do you wish he was wrong?

I am pretty sure it is Tetanocera, possibly T. ferruginea or maybe T. fuscinervis.

Edited by Paul Beuk on 04-10-2005 08:39

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-10-2005 08:37

I wished, because Scimyzidae always stop in family level. With identification like this yours I have nothing at all contre this family any more. Thank you Paul.