Thread subject: :: Orellia tussilaginis ?

Posted by pierred on 25-09-2005 22:13


I think that this is Orellia tussilaginis, but I'm not quite sure.

Can somebody confirm or infirm this determination?

Thanks in advance.

Posted by Jan Willem on 26-09-2005 01:00

What about Chaetorellia cf jaceae?

Posted by pierred on 26-09-2005 07:04



Looking in the Fauna europaea, there is no Orellia tussilaginis. I had made my determination with the Haupt.

Posted by Jan Willem on 26-09-2005 10:18

Hi Pierre,

There may be no Orellia tussilaginis but there is a Terellia tussilaginis. However I think this is not the species on your picture.

Jan Willem

Edited by Jan Willem on 26-09-2005 10:18

Posted by pierred on 26-09-2005 10:48


The dots on the back? Or something else?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-09-2005 11:42

In this group it can be recognised as Chaetorellia by the presence of presutural dorsal setae and as C. jaceae because the anterior supra-alar setae are not placed on black spots.

And, indeed, Orellia tussilaginis is now placed in Terellia.

Posted by pierred on 26-09-2005 13:04


Paul Beuk wrote:
In this group it can be recognised as Chaetorellia by the presence of presutural dorsal setae and as C. jaceae because the anterior supra-alar setae are not placed on black spots.

And, indeed, Orellia tussilaginis is now placed in Terellia.

Thanks for the precisions.