Thread subject: :: unknown black Hoverflies
Posted by nomad on 02-08-2016 19:17
I believe the first image may be a Cheilosa species. Savernake Forest, Wiltshire, England. July 2016
How about the second image, is it a Hoverfly, there seems to be a Vena spuria? Found in the same locality at the same time. Perhaps another Diptera family?
Posted by nomad on 03-08-2016 20:19
I believe after studying my field guide that the bottom image is certainly
Cheilosa variabilis?
Edited by nomad on 04-08-2016 08:02
Posted by Juergen Peters on 03-08-2016 22:40
nomad wrote:
I believe are studying my field guide that the bottom image is certainly Cheilosa variabilis?
I was about to write that already yesterday, but then the date (July) discouraged me. Here in northwest Germany this species flies in late April/early May.
Posted by nomad on 04-08-2016 08:01
Hi Jurgen
It has been a very late Spring in Britain and in the large old forest, species are known to appear there late.
Best Wishes Peter.