Thread subject: :: Pallopteridae?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-09-2005 00:19

Moscow region, 24 sept, 7-9mm, on the tree bark.
This fly looks to me very like but not similar as

Posted by Jan Willem on 25-09-2005 19:37

Hi Nikita,

My best guess would be Palloptera venusta (or Toxoneura venusta, depending on the generic devision you follow). However I am not sure which species occur in the Moscow region.

Jan Willem

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-09-2005 20:27

Thank you Jan!
P.S. In case that you hadn't got my reply on your message about O.punctella. It was: "Of course you can. Without your kind help it was "a fly" nothing more".

Posted by Jan Willem on 26-09-2005 00:47

OK Nikita, thanks a lott!