Thread subject: :: Chinese big wasp: Pompiliidae?

Posted by Isidro on 05-07-2007 01:52

Maybe 4 cm long.
Shangri-La, China, october 2006, running in a trunk and in the road, in public garden.

Posted by loepa on 05-07-2007 05:03


Posted by Christian Schmid-Egger on 05-07-2007 09:11

Wiht 2 cm, it may be Tachypompilus analis (Pompilidae). With 4 cm, I don't know any suited species.


Posted by Isidro on 05-07-2007 14:55

Thanks! But it was bigger... the same size than an European Cryptocheilus, or even little bigger...

The only image of T. analis that I've found in Google, looks similar, but sligthly different shaped, and with less gold-orange in the abdomen, and the size, in comparation with the crab spider, is much smaller....

If can be helpful, I've found images of the same species i a page, but they also couldn't identify it.

Posted by Christian Schmid-Egger on 06-07-2007 08:49

You are right, analis is unprobable. Gaster color is different (but may be variable), and wings are transparent and not dark as in your foto and in the foto of the chinese? page. But your specimen and the chinese species may belong to the same species.
I only work with western and central paleaerctic Pompilidae, so I don't know these region, but I will send your foto to a specialist, perhaps he may help.

Regards, Christian

Posted by Isidro on 06-07-2007 10:18

OK, thanks for all. At least you have tried it ;)

The page is Taiwanese, here I identified many of the insects that I saw in my travel at china and Taiwan.

Also Loepa don't know it, so, is impossible the ID ;)

Posted by Christian Schmid-Egger on 06-07-2007 13:52

Raymond Wahis identified both as Tachypompilus analis (Fabricius) females, the Chinese specimen as well as the Taiwanese. He is a recommended specialist for worldwide Pompilidae, and I trust his opinion.

regards, Christian

Posted by Isidro on 06-07-2007 16:23

Wow!!!! Thanks for post my images to an specialist!!!!!! You are the best!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Well, I suppose that are variavility in the sizes...

Thanks again ;)

Posted by cthirion on 06-07-2007 17:53

Ch?re Camille,

Suite ? ton message, je suis heureux de pouvoir te renseigner:
Tes photos correspondent ? Tachypompilus analis (Fabricius), Pompilinae d?crit en 1781 sous le nom de Sphex analis et actuellement plac? dans le genre Tachypompilus Ashmead, 1902.
Curieusement, ce m?me jour, j'ai la m?me demande de la part de mon coll?gue allemand Christian Schmid-Egger.

Bien ? toi, Raymond

We are two crocodiles in the same pond!

Posted by Isidro on 08-07-2007 10:01
