Thread subject: :: Aneomochterus flavipes to confirm---> Aneomochterus cf. confusus

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 07-03-2016 20:04

Asilinae male found dead, August the 5th, 2015. Body length: 10.5 mm. Wing length: 8.5 mm. Male genitalia looks similar to that of that genus Aneomochterus.

HEAD: Postpedicel (3rd antennal segment) with an apical arista. Face completely covered with pubescence or only with a very narrow shiny longitudinal stripe. Postocular bristles (occipital bristles) either weakly bent or straight. Facial gibbosity restricted to lower third of face. THORAX: Dorsocentral and acrostichal bristles weakly developed or entirely lacking anterior to transverse suture. WING: Alula of wing present. Anal cell present. Marginal cell r1 closed (and stalked), outer margin of cell separated from wing margin.
ABDOMEN: Abdominal tergite 2 at most 2 times as long as wide. Lateral marginal bristles on tergites (discal bristles) well-developed. At least tergites tomentose. Two last segments anterior to ovipositor tomentose. Sternites mainly tomentose. LEGS: Pulvilli present. Metatarsus of mid leg of usual length. At least tibiae yellowish or red.

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 09-03-2016 22:31

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 08-03-2016 17:30

Looking at the hypopygium this should be Aneomochtherus confusus

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 08-03-2016 23:29

Thank you very much Reinoud for your time and identification
