Thread subject: :: Eutolmus to confirm ID

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 07-03-2016 19:56

This insect was rescued draught from a water pool, that's why it was in a so poor condition (Iberia: Catalonia: Girona; Beuda: 400 masl, august 5th 2015).

Body length: 12.5 mm. Wing length: 10 mm. HEAD: Postpedicel (3rd antennal segment) with an apical arista. Postpedicel nearly equal in length to first two antennal segments combined. Postocular bristles (occipital bristles) either weakly bent or straight. Facial gibbosity well-developed (at least occupying lower half of face). THORAX: At least two thorax bristles well-developed anterior to transverse suture, but unfortunately fallen when it was found. WING: Alula of wing present. Anal cell present. Marginal cell r1 closed (and stalked), outer margin of cell separated from wing margin. ABDOMEN: Abdominal tergite 2 at most 2 times as long as wide. Lateral marginal bristles on tergites (discal bristles) well-developed. At least tergites tomentose. Two last segments anterior to ovipositor tomentose. Sternites mainly tomentose. LEGS: Pulvilli present. Metatarsus of mid leg of usual length. Femora black. Tibiae mainly brown, except the apex and base which are darker. Tarsi combined brown and black. GENITALIA: The general structure of male genitalia is similar to that of Dysmachus/Eutolmus. Pictures show the genitalia lateral, caudal (from behind) and dorsal.