Thread subject: :: Milichiidae??

Posted by lynkos on 19-09-2005 19:40

These flies cluster irritatingly around me and my pup in hundreds, but don't seem to to anything but hitch a lift. Could they be Milichiidae? And what attracts them to us in such numbers?

Thanks, :) Sarah

Posted by Kahis on 19-09-2005 20:41

I don't think they are milichids. How large are they? They look more like muscids, perhaps even Musca.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-09-2005 22:59

I agree with Muscidae, but I think they may be too small for Musca.

Posted by lynkos on 20-09-2005 06:39

They are about 4/5 mm long, Sarah