Thread subject: :: Clerid beetle from Lesbos

Posted by nick upton on 30-01-2016 22:49

Trichodes sp. but which one?? It doesn't quite match any i can find images for, and there are a lot out there.

It's close to T apiarius interruptus (see ) but all images of T. apiarius seem to have dark antennae and these are quite pale.

Maybe a Turkish / Asian species little photographed…

Posted by Sundew on 05-02-2016 21:01

There are a lot of Trichodes species in South Europe, and several of them have yellow antennal clubs. T apiarius, however, should have a red elytral suture and black elytra tips (and dark antennal clubs of course). So your Trichodes is another species. I tried the key for the European species that is in German and, unfortunately, rich in typos but did not come to a satisfying result. So you should better try to contact Frank Koehler, he is an excellent coleopterologist.
Regards, Sundew

Posted by nick upton on 10-06-2016 17:49

Many thanks for the feedback. An even trickier genus than I realised!