Thread subject: :: Review of Azelia

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 18-05-2015 13:19

Dear Colleagues,
a new paper is published: Vikhrev N.E. (2015) Review of the world fauna of the genus Azelia (Diptera, Muscidae) Amurian zoological journal, VII(1), 2015: 33-42
It may be found here: or directly :

Posted by oceanlis2000 on 23-05-2015 11:56

Hello Nikita

I have been reading your articles, very interesting esp. the fact that adults of H. parva are found around dung of horses in pastures, a Nationally Notable species in the UK!

I have a few questions which I hope you will have the time to answer

1. H. borussica male - is there a pd seta on tibia 3?

2. Do H. parva and H. glabricula males have any spines on femur 3?I'm assuming no from your article

p41- Azelia-patterns on abdomen indistinct. Azelia-patterns on abdomen absent. f2 with normally with 2 ventral spines... gibbera Meigen.

Which 1 of these is right, currently I have for gibbera male
Abdomen densely dusted brown-grey, tergites 3-5 with a median elongate spot and a smaller rounder spot on either side

may be found on carnivorous and omnivorousdung (in the first place human feces) namely: A. cilipes, A. nebulosa and A. triquetra.
horse dung heaps are the best place to collect A. trigonica,A. zetterstedtii,
A. aterrima, A. gibbera seem not to be associated with any substrate and may be found on low vegetation along small woodland rivers or streams (Vikhrev, 2015)

Do these sentences refer to adults, larvae or both? I am assuming adults but I may be wrong so better to check


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-05-2015 20:51

Elisabeth, I don't think that attraction to the horse somehow compromise Nationally Notable species in the UK.
1. Males of H. borussica have no pd on t3, females have 1 pd below middle and 1 pd above middle.
2. H. parva and H. glabricula have no spines on f3, only 2-3 av setae near apex.
3. it an error. Should be:
"12. t3 with 2(3) a-av and with 2(3) v setae (sometimes
look like pvv, but never as true pv). tar1-4 without
remarkable setulae. Azelia-patterns on abdomen
absent. f2 with 1 ventral spine .... aterrima Meigen.
– t3 with a complete rows of 9-10 strong av, 8-10 fine
pv and 7-8 fine shorter v setae. tar1-4 with 2 long
(2-2.5x as long as tar1-4 width) pointed d setulae.
Azelia-patterns on abdomen indistinct. Azelia-patterns
on abdomen absent.
f2 with normally with 2
ventral spines .............................. gibbera Meigen."
4. I deal with imago only. Any questions about preimaginal

Posted by oceanlis2000 on 28-05-2015 12:18

Thanks very much for the reply, interesting that it is absent on both species