Thread subject: :: Smeryngolaphria numitor

Posted by jeremyr on 26-02-2015 00:23

seen in Panama in January. I think this fly looks a lot like this one https://www.flick...6906402027 but it isn't identified. I agree with the observer that it's not a Smeryngolaphria, is it possible to say what genus it is?

thank you,

Edited by jeremyr on 26-02-2015 20:45

Posted by Eric Fisher on 26-02-2015 18:04

Your Panama fly is a Smeryngolaphria (S. numitor), and it is the same as the fly on Flicker you referenced (both are females). Smeryngolaphria numitor is quite distinctive in appearance from the several other spp. in this genus (much more elongate--with long, slender legs, etc.).