Thread subject: :: Entomotaxonomia, Rozkosny & Knutson, 1991

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 05-07-2014 00:57

It seems that in very S-E corner of Russia I collected Elgiva manchurica.
Has anybody: Rozkosny, R. & Knutson, L. V. 1991. Two new species of Sciomyzidae (Diptera) from Palaearctic China. Entomotaxonomia. 13: 65-70.

Posted by atylotus on 05-07-2014 07:29

I do not have this, but if nobody else has it I or you may contact Rudolf himself using or e-mail (the last e-mailcontact was with ).
He is a very helpfull.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 05-07-2014 14:29

Thank you.
I wrote to Rudolf.

Posted by jonas on 07-07-2014 08:58

Hi Nikita,
I would be interested in this article too. Is it possible to contact me at jonasmortelmans AT gmail DOT com?


Posted by Fred Fly on 07-07-2014 11:55

Dear Nikita,

sorry for my delay. I should hold reprints of almost all papers published by Rudolf and Lloyd on scios. It has taken a while to produce a pdf - file for you which is in your mail now. And of corse a copy for Jonas is out too.
How many manchurica did you collect? :D



Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 07-07-2014 14:13

Dear Piet, thank you for this rare paper.
As for the case, it is not easy still after your kind help.
I collected on the corner of Russia, China and N Korea the series of about 4 males and 6 females of Elgiva I had never seen before. It has an unusual wing pattern, so my best guess was E. manchurica. But according to Rozkosny and Knutson decription wings in E. manchurica is rather usual.
I have to add that there are questions with E. divisa. Personally I had never collected it. What's more, if one trys Forum Search here: there is no one post (!!!) with E. divisa during 10 years. (And E. divisa is a species distributed from W Europe to Kamchtka according to Rozkosny!
So, it requires some calm thinking when I'll be back in Moscow...

Posted by Fred Fly on 07-07-2014 15:58

I can add some information that might help. I figured out that at least eight specimens of E. manchurica where collected at the same locality in the period of 1941-1950 by the same collector V. N. Alin. This material is not in best condition and was not examined by Rozkosny & Knutson but shows all the same wing colouration as your specimen. So it is quite possible that it belongs to manchurica as well. There is an additional species with bare prosternum, the same wing pattern but distinct ventral setae on front femur, and different genitalia from the same locality represented in five specimens.



Posted by Fred Fly on 07-07-2014 16:09


Posted by Fred Fly on 07-07-2014 16:10


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-07-2014 05:12

Thank you, Piet!