Thread subject: :: Nephrotoma crocata (Tipulidae)

Posted by Martin Waller on 06-05-2007 21:23


Every spring, I get these pretty beasts (see attached image) in my veg patch. Last year I saw a a picture of Nephrotoma crocata and thought that might be what I have. Well, they're back again this year as always and here's a picture of a female caught today (06/05/2007). It appeared to be laying eggs on bare ground. There's plenty more as they seem to be just starting to emerge - they are common here (in my garden).

I am near (south of) Woking in Surrey - SU993553.

Can someone confirm please this is N. crocata (have retained specimen in fridge...have other photos to) and if so is their anyhting I need to do (e.g. alert any diptera conservation authorities?) as I understand its RDB3.

Many thanks,
