Thread subject: :: Scathophagidae or Heleomyzidae (?) with Entomophthora muscae fungus

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 06-05-2007 21:03


Today I went to Serra da Estrela (near the highest point of mailand Portugal - it is near from here.). Some wind, some snow... but a beautiful day. Unfortunately I saw very few flies. One species of Rhagionidae (with very dark wings); some chironomids (as always.. ), perhaps some platypezids (in swarm?); and this dead fly by fungi: Entomophthora muscae.
Could you provide the correct ID? ;)
This fly was spotted about 1600 m, in Nave de Santo Ant?nio (part of ancient glacier) in a cervunal habitat with cervum, and near some Taxus sp.; Pinus sp. ; some Quercus sp. (this was about 1 km from the local where I spotted this fly).

Posted by Tony Irwin on 06-05-2007 21:18

Difficult to be 100% certain, but it does look like Scathophaga stercoraria, female.