Thread subject: :: Bibionidae

Posted by Carnota on 01-05-2007 21:09

Please, could be possible an Id?
Galicia, NW Spain. Sandy land. 20-IV-2007. 11mm.
Bigger photos in

Thanks in advance
Pablo Carnota

Posted by Carnota on 01-05-2007 21:10

Another view

Posted by Carnota on 01-05-2007 21:10


Posted by ChrisR on 02-05-2007 08:41

If it was in England I'd say Bibio marci, the "St. Mark's Fly" - based on: swollen fore-tibia, uneven fore-tibial spur/spikes, uneven veins at the tip of the wing-cell near the costa, and lastly the size :) But all bets are off in Spain ;)

Posted by Carnota on 02-05-2007 09:30

Chris, thank you very mutch for your response.

In the Carles-Tolr?(2002) checklist for the Iberian Peninsula figures B. anglicus, B. clavipes, B. gineri, B. hortulanus, B. johannis, B. laginerus, B. laufferi, B. marci, B. nigriventris, B. pomonae, B. reticulatus, B. varipes and B. venosus.