Thread subject: :: requested: records of Phasia barbifrons

Posted by Zeegers on 14-08-2005 16:19

Phasia barbifrons is a small Tachinidae, which is normally rather rare in the Netherlands but abundant in some years. This years proves to be one of those. I just returned from a nearby forest and saw literally thousands of them.
I am very interested in the distribution of barbifrons in the Netherlands, since not specimens have been recorded (yet) west of my home, Soest.
Phasia barbifrons is easily recognized:
* very small, 3 -4 mm.
* on flowers, often Umbellifera, also Compositae
* black with red eyes
* eyes nearly touching on the vertex
* abdomen unusually broad and short

In short, it is a dwarf and black version of Phasia hemiptera.

All records are welcome:

You may find them till the end of August.

Good luck


Posted by Zeegers on 15-08-2005 19:44

Additional remark
As John Smit has pointed out correctly, there is yet one other Tachinidae that fits the diagnosis given above: Phasia pusilla.
This species is quite rare in The Netherlands, but could be found in the dune region.
So please collect any small Phasia when in doubt.
With a microscope, the difference is simple:
halters yellow -> Phasia barbifrons
halters dark -> Phasia pusilla

Thanks, John
