Thread subject: :: Unknown larvae

Posted by Jan Willem on 14-08-2005 16:01


Yesterday I found these larvae on leaves of Populus (probably P. alba or P. canescens)
Doen anybody have a clue to which family/genus/species these larvae belong?

Jan Willem

Edited by Jan Willem on 14-08-2005 16:01

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-08-2005 16:02

I think they are beetle larvae, possibly Curculionidae (if the have no visible legs) or Chrysomelidae.

Posted by Jan Willem on 14-08-2005 16:03

I should have added that the larvae are about 1.5 mm long and were collected in Waalwijk (province of Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands).

Posted by Jan Willem on 14-08-2005 16:06

Thanks Paul. I will try to make better pictures (sharp) and check if there are legs to be found! I will also take home a few and try to rear them.

Jan Willem

Posted by Xespok on 14-09-2005 18:43

I would probabably stay with Chrysomelidae. I think most Curculionidae larva develop inside something rather than on something like a leaf.


Posted by Jan Willem on 15-09-2005 11:54

Hi Xespok,

Thank you for your response. I have been searching on the internet and came to the same conclusion! The larvae are probably chrysomelid larvae. Unfortunately rearing the larvae didn't succeed.

Jan Willem

Posted by cthirion on 15-09-2005 16:42

Perhaps Galerucella lineola (Chrysomelidae)