Thread subject: :: Glassworm larvae, Chaoborus

Posted by guillaume on 09-02-2014 11:46

Hi everyone,

This is only my second thread on your nice forum, that time I need your expertise to identify an aquatic larvae that should be Chaoborus genus. From what I understood we need to observe the labral blade (that is not easy to observe!) but actually that doesn't help me a lot.

I found these larva in a pond in France (Jura), January 19th 2014.

Thanks a lot for your help and comments!

"Click to enlarge"

Edited by guillaume on 09-02-2014 11:49

Posted by atylotus on 09-02-2014 21:11

the mandibular tooth and the labral blade lead to Ch. obscuripes.

Posted by guillaume on 10-02-2014 16:48

Thanks a lot! :D

Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-02-2014 11:07


Posted by guillaume on 11-02-2014 12:02

Submitted for the gallery, but as I'm not used to do it I think I didn't submit it into the right place (adult gallery instead of larva, sorry for that).

Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-02-2014 12:08

They were submitted in the right place and have been added. Thanks!

Posted by guillaume on 28-04-2014 11:21

I finally got pupae, not all survived but 2 females (I think) emerged recently. One of them gave eggs immediately after (what was surprising for me).

Can we confirm definitively that it is C. obscuripes females?
Guillaume JACQUEMIN : France : Pimorin : 39270 : 30/3/2014
Altitude : NR - size: 10 mm
Réf. : 116813
Guillaume JACQUEMIN : France : Pimorin : 39270 : 27/4/2014
Altitude : NR - size: 5,4 mm (mesuré)
Réf. : 118470
Guillaume JACQUEMIN : France : Pimorin : 39270 : 27/4/2014
Altitude : NR - size: 5,4 mm (mesuré)
Réf. : 118471

Edited by guillaume on 28-04-2014 11:22