Thread subject: :: PDF files from several Faune de France volumes

Posted by pierred on 07-04-2007 08:46


For those of you who can read French:

The publisher of the Faune de France has decided to offer as PDF files several older volumes out of print, in particular 6 (Anthomyidae), 13 (Diptera Brachycera) and 17 (Asilidae) by E. S?guy.


Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 07-04-2007 09:21

G R E A T !!
Downloaded !

Merci Pierre ;)

Posted by Carnota on 27-04-2007 09:16

Four more volumes online:
Vol. 23: Chironomidae
Vol. 28: Muscidae Acalypterae and Scatophagidae
Vol. 35: Dolichopodidae
Vol. 36: Nematocera

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 27-04-2007 10:01

Great stuff Pierre (PDF quality isn't too good, but it's free) - wish I knew more French ;).

Posted by Kahis on 27-04-2007 10:03

Wow. And using a Creative Commons licence too. I'm highly impressed!

The Dolichopodidae volume by O. Parent is still very useful and I use it weekly. For some genera (especially around Medetera) it's obsolete, but for many others it's still the best general key to the European fauna.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 27-04-2007 14:09

Merci Pierre - I have downloaded these and a couple of them will be really useful. I am pleased to say that my French seems to be just about good enough to cope :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 27-04-2007 14:22

wowww!! great stuff. :)) Fortunalety I know some French. :D
Merci beaucoup!

one question: is it possible to translate this (doli, for example) to Portuguese?? :)

Posted by Kahis on 27-04-2007 15:50

Jorge, check the Creative Commons licence page for details, but as a summary: YES, you are allowed to translate it, with the following restrictions:

1. You must acknowledge the source (ie. it's still Parent's book, not yours :)
2. Non-commercial only, so you cannot sell it (I'm not sure or selling without profit is allowed)
3. Your translation must remain under the same licence

If you translate, it is probably wise to update nomenclature and add notes on taxonomic changes. Perhaps such translations could be made in a collaborative way, using a Wiki for example.

Posted by pierred on 27-04-2007 21:25

Hi folks!

I'm happy to see that this information could be useful for some of you.

Some of those works are still interesting, and some are still up to date, as Kahis told. Anyway, it is interesting to see how dipterist worked and thought in the past. In particular, S?guy's books are always wonderful because of the unique combination of painter/drawer and dipertist of this man.