Thread subject: :: ???

Posted by jokin on 02-04-2007 18:01

taken today in south of Spain

Posted by crex on 02-04-2007 19:07

Heteroptera, but what species I do not know.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 03-04-2007 06:03


I think it it family Rhopalidae, but I don't know the species either.

Edited by Juergen Peters on 03-04-2007 06:04

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 03-04-2007 11:20

Very similar bug is shown in Wanzen und Zikaden nach Farbfotos erkannt by F. Sauer (p. 89) as Rhopalidae, Maccavethus lineola (=Maccevethus lineola). Fauna Europaea gives only M. corsicus and M. errans, though (I heard there's a lot of gaps and errors there).

Posted by lweit on 03-04-2007 22:02

In the "Faune de France H?mipt?re Coreoidea Euro-m?diterran?ens" there is only 3 species of Maccevethus : M. errans (F.), M. corsicus S. and M. caucasius (K.) (= lineola Fabricius, 1787 nomen praeoc.).
This 3 species is only separable with the paramere of the male.