Thread subject: :: [Choerades marginata - group] Asilidae ID

Posted by Arthropa on 21-08-2004 14:36


These are 2 shots of some Asilidae (pretty bad quality, sorry ! :() :
(Length 15 mm approx - August 2003 - Marsannay-la-C?te (21), France)

It was found on some wood heap, along a forest walk.
Thanks !

Edited by Arthropa on 10-03-2007 00:26

Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-09-2004 11:08

Maybe a little late, but I suspect Andrenosoma atratum.

Posted by Danny Wolff on 22-09-2004 07:03

Andrenosoma atra is quite unlikely. Have a look at the typical Choerades-like terminalia. I think it's a male of the Choerades marginata - group, probably Choerades femorata (Meigen, 1804) because of the white hairs beneath the antennae, the rather long first segment of the antennae und the rather strong femora of the hind legs. Some authors do not separate this species from Ch. dioctriaeformis (Meigen, 1820), some do (compare the identification key for the German robberflies by Fritz Geller-Grimm). There is still a lot of confusion within this species group.

Danny Wolff

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-09-2004 08:36

Okay, I concede. Choerades is probable correct. I never thought about C. marginata sensu lato because I assumed they all had reddish hairs on the abdomen. In the pictures there is some reddish sheen but hardly enough to say that the abdomen has reddish hairs.

Anyway, by digging the question up from the past there is at least a satisfying answer rather than an unanswered question, even though I got it wrong the first time. ;) Thanks, Danny.

Posted by Arthropa on 02-10-2004 15:43

Paul Beuk wrote:
Maybe a little late...

Never too late, thanks a lot to both of you for the ID !