Thread subject: :: Bombylius discolor?

Posted by Margarita Auer on 01-04-2007 08:34

Hello to all members,

I use the forum for the first time.
I live in the eastern part of Austria, 30km away, in the north of Vienna, 172 m sealevel.
I have a big natural garden and I try to get to know all insects, which I meet here or which meet me here.
My question is now:
I photographed this Bombylius on march 27.
I was convinced that the species is bombylius discolor. Then I was told by a german specialist that there are a lot of similar looking species.
A sign of discolor is the early flying time.
But with the extraordinary warm weather in the last months this cannot serve as indication I suppose.
Can You help me please?
Thank You and best regards

Margarita Auer