Thread subject: :: are these brothers #1

Posted by Andre Jas on 28-07-2005 15:48


Does anyone know what these are. Are they Stratiomyds?

Thank you,


Posted by Jan Willem on 28-07-2005 16:11

Looks more like Dioctria [Asilidae]

Jan Willem

Posted by Andre Jas on 01-08-2005 09:31

Could this be the one?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 03-08-2005 15:06


If you use images in the forum that are from another website, please follow the following rules:
1. Give the link to the image between the tags inserted by clicking the [ img ] button below the text entry field.
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Posted by Andre Jas on 05-08-2005 09:24

I'm sorry, I'll try to remember that.
