Thread subject: :: Stilpnogaster from Hungary

Posted by piros on 06-02-2013 01:15

I found this fly in Szeged, southern Hungary, on 17. VII. 2010. I think it is a Stilpnogaster (on account of shiny tergites) male, but all pictures I was able to find show (European) Stilpnogaster with at least some part of the tibiae red. This one has almost entirely black legs. Did I go wrong somewhere? I would appreciate any comment!

Edited by piros on 06-02-2013 01:16

Posted by piros on 06-02-2013 01:17


Edited by piros on 06-02-2013 01:20

Posted by piros on 21-02-2013 15:39

Is at least the genus correct, or am I way off?

Edited by piros on 21-02-2013 15:40

Posted by piros on 25-02-2013 17:23

I try to give this one another chance.

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 25-02-2013 17:32

Genus seems right. If the tergites are shiny. I understand that this genus needs to revised.

Posted by piros on 25-02-2013 18:25

Thank you very much indeed!

Best regards,
