Thread subject: :: Tiny fly on Achillea millefolium

Posted by Juergen Peters on 25-07-2005 18:06


This only 3-4 mm long, slender fly with thick hind femora I photographed yesterday on a meadow here in Ostwestfalen/Germany. Can someone tell me the family or even the genus? Thanks in advance!

Edited by Juergen Peters on 25-07-2005 18:08

Posted by Jan Willem on 25-07-2005 18:52

Looks like a chloropid to me, but I have no idea about the genus.

Jan Willem

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-07-2005 00:28

Is Meromyza not the only genus of the group of similar chloropids with thickened femora?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 26-07-2005 19:03


Paul Beuk wrote:
Is Meromyza not the only genus of the group of similar chloropids with thickened femora?

Thanks to you both! I have found pictures of Meromyza (saltatrix) that look very much like my fly.