Thread subject: :: Psychodidae > perhaps Trichomyia

Posted by kuv on 11-01-2013 11:17

Denmark, Sydals, near Høruphav, about 5 msm, coastal area, at a naturally meadow with bushes, Outsidefotos: kuv, 17th of June 2012. ID possible? Please help.

Edited by kuv on 01-03-2013 10:31

Posted by kuv on 11-01-2013 11:18

Second photo:

Posted by Gunnar M Kvifte on 11-01-2013 12:29

I think Trichomyia, but I would like to see specimens before I say anything for certain.

Posted by kuv on 14-01-2013 11:12

Hi Gunnar,
thank you very much - ok, no more ID possible only by photographs.
Regards Kuv
PS: First I had missinterpreted your answer - wrong translation - so I change my answer now, sorry.

Edited by kuv on 01-03-2013 10:30

Posted by weia on 17-04-2017 13:03

I agree with Gunnar (of course). In the Netherlands we only have Trichomyia urbica, I do not know the Danish situation.

Posted by kuv on 19-04-2017 10:27

Thank you very much Weia - :)
I checked the genus Trichmyia at Fauna Europaea (
• T. carlestolrai
• T. kostovi
• T. malickyi
• T. parvula
• T. urbica (only this one is reported for Denmark).
So I think this could be a further sign of T. urbica.
Greetings Kuv