Thread subject: :: Melecta

Posted by Gansucha on 05-05-2012 12:48

The Northwest Ukraine, April 25, on periwinkle:
Melecta albifrons ?

Posted by Marc T on 10-05-2012 08:04

Hi Gansucha,

if you would have taken this photos in Germany, I'd say it is in fact Melecta albifrons - albifrons is the only Melecta-species in Germany with brownish (instead of clear white) hairs.
But as far as I don't know the Ukraine bee-fauna, I can't say, if there occur similar species!?


Posted by Gansucha on 10-05-2012 09:52

Thank you, Marc, for review.
Regrettably, fauna of the bees of the Ukraine nearly is not studied.
From that that can be, possible compare only with Melecta duodecimmaculata, which there is in European part of Russia.
Melecta luctuosa, insofar understand, does not approach neither on size, nor on time summer.