Thread subject: :: Laphriinae? pupal case from USA (= Laphria cf. thoracica)

Posted by John Carr on 27-02-2012 14:48

Projecting from a rotten stump. Massachusetts, USA June 25, 2009.
Years ago I identified this as Laphriinae, probably Laphria (which are common and oviposit into such stumps). After reading the new key to subfamilies I'm confused.

Edited by John Carr on 28-02-2012 23:24

Posted by Eric Fisher on 27-02-2012 19:11


I certainly do think your photo is of a Laphria sp. In fact, it seems remarkably similar to the figure of Laphria thoracica published by C.T. Greene (1918, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash.). Probably the best we can do now (without seeing all of your pupa, etc.) is "Laphria sp., poss. thoracica."
