Thread subject: :: Tephritidae IDed as Tephritis dioscurea

Posted by Ginks on 22-02-2012 14:07

Good morning!

I spotted this little fly yesterday, but it was the other side of the herb bed and I couldn't get at it without running the risk of going A/T... so my pics are a bit ropey...

Someone saw the pic on Flickr and suggested Tephritis conura with a link to this gallery, which was kind of them.

The wing pattern certainly looks close, but to my untrained eye, not quite right. The limited view afforded by my photography/the fly screws things up a bit.

Mid-Essex, on sage in the sun, in garden.

Any thoughts on the matter, anyone?

Edited by Ginks on 26-02-2012 01:32

Posted by Ginks on 22-02-2012 14:09

The other wing... and hasn't it got lovely green eyes?! :)

Posted by John Smit on 22-02-2012 15:17

It's definitely not T. conura.
An d it's difficult to judge its size, but I'ld go for T. dioscurea.


Posted by Ginks on 22-02-2012 17:16

Hi John!

Thanks so much for your imput. No matter how many times I rotated my pics to make the wings go in the same direction as those in the pics in the gallery, I couldn't make T. conura a match. You've just comfirmed that I'm not going doolally... thanks!

I keep forgetting to mention size, sorry. Erm, very small is about as close as I can get. Will try harder...

I'll have a look at your ID in a moment... exciting!

Posted by Ginks on 22-02-2012 17:29


I can't find a good ref image of T. dioscurea anywhere...
Does anyone know where I can find one? I'd love to see it!


Posted by John Smit on 22-02-2012 17:30

very small suits T. dioscurea ;)



Posted by Ginks on 22-02-2012 18:01

Hahaha, funny guy! Thanks John.

Do you know where I can find a good pic of this fly?