Thread subject: :: Palloptera or Opomyza ?

Posted by Vadet on 12-08-2004 22:31


a very little fly, always movings his wings when walking on Heracleum spondylium

length of the body , about 2 mm

Boulonnais, Northern France

I thought palloptera, C Thirion said Opomyza, the second name seems better

Somebody have an idea ??

Best regards

Alain Vadet

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 13-08-2004 09:52

Hai Alain,
This one is indeed a Pallopteridae.
In fact it is a Palloptera sp.
In Holland there are only 9 species, but I can't tell you which one it is!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 13-08-2004 14:09

The details are not clear enought to say with certainty, but it maybe Palloptera trimacula. In this species the anterior crossvein should not be infuscate and this is exactly the character which is not quite clear. Otherwise it well agrees with that species. Maybe Jan Willem (JeeWee) can decide on other characters.

Posted by Jan Willem on 13-08-2004 14:09

Hi Alain,

I agree with Gerard! It is a pallopterid. My first guess is that it is a specimen of Palloptera trimacula (Meigen, 1826). Do you have more pictures of this specimen from other viewpoints? That might help to get it possitively identified!

Jan Willem van Zuijlen

Posted by Vadet on 13-08-2004 22:35

If the weather is good enough this week end I will go back to the same place where they were about 20-30 flies on each Heracleum, to take other picutres and caputre some flies

Best regards

Alain Vadet

Posted by Vadet on 16-08-2004 22:08

I went to the same place et take pictures of the same (?) soecies, it was on Angelica sylvestris, and always returning on hidden face of the flowers, hard to take a picture

here it is a superior view

Best regards

Alain Vadet

Posted by Vadet on 16-08-2004 22:10

and the same in lateral view

Alain Vadet

Posted by Jan Willem on 16-08-2004 22:47

Hi Alain,

Again very nice pictures. In my opinion it is save to identify this species as Palloptera trimacula. This species is known to be found on Umbelliferae. Furthermore Parmenter (1951, 1960) raised imagines from puparia found in December under the epidermis of the stalk of Angelica silvestris.

Parmenter, L., 1951. Notes on the Distribution of Pallopteridae in Britain. -- Ent. Record, 63(12): 304-306.
Parmenter, L., 1960. A Further List of the Diptera of Bookham Common. Lond. Nat., 39 (1959): 66-76.

Jan Willem van Zuijlen