Thread subject: :: Suilla

Posted by oceanlis2000 on 28-07-2011 11:15


Looking at the Suilla Key at

I am wondering what is meant by short and long arista?

Thank you

Posted by Stephen R on 28-07-2011 12:02

It's 'long plumose' (feathery with long rays) and 'short plumose' (feathery with short rays). The other possibilities are 'bare' and 'pubescent' (downy - very short rays).

Posted by Andrzej on 28-07-2011 12:37

You should measure the width of "feather" and compare to the diameter of the basal part of arista, or to the height of first flagellomere !

Posted by Andrzej on 28-07-2011 12:44

a pic from Czerny (1927) !

Posted by oceanlis2000 on 30-07-2011 11:17

Thank you both,

It seems that the length of the arista is c. the same in both

What do you mean by Ray (Stephen) feather (Andrzej), 1 hair on the arista?

Short plumose seems to have long hairs on the arista?